All Services are written now on this format:
Service name [Max] [Start time – Speed]
🔥 = Top service.
💧 = Dripfeed is on.
♻ = Refill button is enabled.
🛑 = Cancel button is enabled.
Rxx = Refill period (xx referring to the refill time, eg: R30 = 30 Days Refill).
ARxx = Automatic Refill period (xx referring to the auto-refill time, eg: AR30 = 30 Days Auto-Refill).
INSTANT start orders can take up to 1 hour to start. (1H start time orders usually takes minutes to start).
H as in 1H, 12H, etc means Hour(s).
HQ/LQ = High Quality/Low Quality.
The SPEED is UP TO xx/Day, eg 10K/Day order can be 5K/Day, we are stating the maximum speed, please refrain to the description for more help.
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